Online Classes
Wraps and Pushes and Pulls- 2024!
Now that agility training has evolved to a place where we can feasibly have 9+ verbal cues for a single jump, we need to make sure that we provide our dogs with the proper understanding of the complex behaviors associated with what we are asking them to perform. Old school methods tend to just start applying a cue to a certain situation and have the dogs learn through trial and error. This does not typically result in the dog having fluent verbal cues without a lot of supportive information via our location, motion, body cues, etc.
When we teach these behaviors from the dog's perspective, from the ground up and in manner that makes sense to them, we are able to teach the behavior, attach the verbal cue and then apply the cue to the obstacle. The result is behaviors that are performed with greater confidence, speed and independence. In this class, we will focus on the foundation skills that will then be applied to teaching directional jump wraps, Pull wraps (aka threadle wraps), Pull slices (aka threadle slices), Push wraps and slices (backside sends), tight turns out of the tunnel and pulls to the off-side of the tunnel (tunnel pulls). The progression of class allows the dogs to learn behaviors prior to introducing new skills, thus reducing their confusion and learning more efficiently. All modules will be posted January 1, however participants must "test out" of module 1 before continuing to the other modules.
Module 1: Conework foundation for Wraps, pushes and pulls.
Defining pushes/pulls/wraps. What are they and how are they used?
What are we looking for in cone circling and why?
Offering cone circling with basic variables
Module 2: Teaching Directional Jump Wrap Cues
Using cone circling to teach directional wrap cues
Jumping mechanics to improve bending/rounding
Applying wraps to jumps
Basic performance variables and discriminations
Module 3: Pull/Slice (threadle/slice)
Teaching pull/slice cue on jumps
Basic variables and discriminations
Module 4: Pull Wraps (threadle wraps)
Using cone skills to teach pull wrap cue
Applying Pull /wrap cue to jump
Basic variables and discriminations
Module 5: Push wraps
Using cone skills to teach push/wrap cues on jumps
Applying skills to jump
Basic variables and discriminations
Module 6: Tight turns out of tunnels
Using cone skills to teach tight turns towards the handler out of tunnels
Applying skills to the tunnel
Basic variables and discriminations
Module 7: Push Slice
Teaching push/slice cue on jump
Basic variables and discriminations
Module 8: Tunnel pulls (tunnel threadle)
Using cone skills to teach tunnel pull cue
Applying skill to tunnel
Class Format:
Taught via facebook. Class officially begins January 1, but those registering early will have access to the first module and a head start on the class- may ask questions, etc. Working spots are limited. Participants will have access to all of the information, ask questions and post up to 2, 2 minute videos/week for feedback. Auditors will have access to the material and are welcome to ask questions. The class will be open for Q&A and video feedback through the end of 2024. Participants will have unending access to the course material.
Options and Pricing:
Participant: $400 if paid in full prior to the beginning of class.
Auditor: $200 for access to the classroom, Q&A, view participant videos and feedback.
Self Guided: $150 for access to the content only via a separate FB group.
When booking, Please ignore the class "schedule" on the booking form. :) There are no specific class times.
Wraps and Pushes and Pulls- Applications!
This class is for those who have participated in a Previous WPP class or already have a solid basis of these skills and are ready to begin applying them in short sequences focusing on building independence, discriminations, balance and multiple other variables. Sequences will require 3-4 jumps and a short tunnel. The will be designed for smaller spaces, but can easily be adapted or broken down if you are severely limited in space. This is a 3-month class beginning January 1. A new drill will be posted to work through at least every 3 weeks with demo video showing Lori working through it with her dogs from breaking down the small pieces to linking multiple skills together in a short sequence. Participants are allowed to ask questions and post video for feedback. Auditors are also allowed to ask questions.
Class fee for Participants is $250 and $100 for auditors.